Steam and hot water systems are not only used extensively in water treatment plants for sludge treatment, but also in hospitals, for example. TROUVAY & CAUVIN supplies heat exchanger packages, steam boilers, storage systems, pressure and temperature control products… to improve the safety and efficiency of the overall plant.
Live steam humidifiers for AHU applications
Electric or pneumatic operation
With steam trap and isolation
Multi-lance versions available
Pressure / Temperature Regulators
Pressure reducing valves
Cyclone separators
Temperature regulators
Control valves
Stainless steel / ductile iron
Direct acting / diaphragm operated / external pilot
Pressure up to 20 bar & temperature up to 232 ° C
Steam Traps
5 years warranted SS inverted bucket type (up to 28 bar)
Float & Thermostatic type
Control disc
Thermostatic wafer type
Thermostatic bellow type
Fully equipped Trap Valve Station (TVS)
Pressure from 0,1 bar to 124 bar saturated & superheated
Temperature up to 565 ° C
From 1/2″ to 3″ connection FLANGED / SW / screwed / NPT / BSPT
Carbon steel / forged steel / stainless steel / …
Condensate load up to 127,000 kg/hr
Steam Tracing
Double sealed valves
Manifold for steam distribution
Manifold for condensate collection
Complete trap valve station in forged steel with inlet/outlet / blow down / test valves
Steam distribution and condensate return manifold in forged steel, up to 400 ° C / 32 bar